Friday, June 12, 2009

Bureaucratic nonsense just in time for the boarding season

Fair warning to those of you who plan to board your dogs, especially in the fast approaching Fourth of July season-

Kentucky just passed an amendment to their veterinary practice act making it mandatory for veterinarians to have a signed release prior to releasing any medical information on their patients. That means that this has to be done prior to us giving vaccine information to boarding kennels, groomers, etc- even if you are leaving town today and don't have time to come in and sign it! We are trying to make sure everyone who comes in signs a release to keep on file to allow us to give out vaccine info; if you need full medical records however you will need to sign one specifying who to release them to at that time.

If you plan to board or groom in the near future, stop by and sign a release form or call us and we can email one to you that you can fax back.

We're doing our best to make sure people aren't caught unawares and stuck trying to fix this at the last minute. Remember, this isn't OUR rule, it's the law so there's not much we can do about it!

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